Rogue Research-No Monkey, oh and plastic

What an evening... (what a way to start a blog entry)
Hopped on my skateboard and headed towards the old local watering hole I get half a block from my house and encounter a young lady getting a hit by a car whole riding her bike. Fudge!!! and of course the jerk driving doesn't stop. To top it all off the crack heads in the neighborhood begin to circle the poor girl as if they were hungry sharks. Fortunately she was physically OK, but obviously very shaken. Her bike was fudged up to say the least. I took a look and let her know that she wouldn't be able to ride, but I could get the bike to the point that she could walk it home. Went back to my house grabbed a few tools and returned to fix the bike. I think she was more grateful for the crackhead interference then the actual bike repair.
Lately it seems that I have been a magnet of crazy, fudged up situations. Two nights ago I caught to gangster types breaking into a car. Two nights before that there was a huge drug dealer/gang member brawl on my block. Of course I pull up to my house in the middle of the chaos. Warning-Shoebocks' are dangerous to be around, avoid close contact at all costs, and please do not feed the animals.
Use Beer!!!!!
Well after it was all said and done, I had a nice ride up to the LWH and settled in for some drinks, and by drinks I mean beer, delicious intoxicating, unblemished beer.
I ordered a golden monkey from the ice cold selection (these a beers that are kept on ice so they are extra cold), but I guess I drank all of them the previous week and was awarded with a Hitachino Celebration instead. I very nice compromise, very nice. The celebration is a very intensely fermented and yeasty beer, which lets know this by showing off its many tiny biting bubbles. Yummm!!!!! Yet I knew it best to have just one of these deep fried yeast bombs so I moved on to several other beers.
By the way, the bartenders for the evening are great friends, and it is always a great time to hang with them both. I was awarded with a wonderful comment from the female of the mixology duo, that I was her favorite and she always charges me a discounted rate. What a nice thing to say. I wanted to say something similar back to her, but felt it might come out wrong, so I just let it go.
Next beer....Ice cold Robert The Bruce from the great Three Floyd's brewery. This is their scotch ale, and it is wonderful. It packs a punch but goes down like iced tea. It was buried under several other beers, but my beer sniffer was in full gear.
Now the male counter part stepped in to do his part. By the way, truly one of the greats in human kind. Not just saying that because he fills me with beer. A brief look with a flash light and out comes a gem, Rogue Dead Guy Ale. I don't believe I have said much about this brewery or their many fine beers, so why not. First of all this ice cold ale was absolutely perfect. The dead guy is a perfect example of an American ale. I nicely, but not overly hopped ale with a great amber hue to it. Just delicious and wonderful texture. Here's the kicker, and probably the reason I love it so much, Dead Guy is styled after German maibock, and we all know how much I love maibock. The brewery if fairly old by American standards, founded in 1988 as a brew pub. Check out their website and you can see a listing of the many beers they offer, most of which we never get to see outside of Oregon.
After this pick I continued to drink the rest of the ice cold Dead Guys and meet and talk with some great folks. A cool band played from New York called Stewart. Spoke with several friends I haven't seen in a while and got into a really interesting discussion about plastics and incentive based recycling.
After the revolution, there will be only tasty beer.
Comrade, you have been co-opted into the revolution and your beer reviews shall be drunk be all peoples of the land post-revolution.
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