Lost Coast Indica...and a report on my garden

Just a brief tasting relating to nothing other then beer.
Tried the Lost Coast Indica IPA last night. Picked up a 6 at the corner beer shop. Although it wasn't cheap ($11 for 6), it was worth the price. A truly tasty IPA, if your into that sort of thing, which I am. At first I was thinking 2 hearted, but after I let it breathe and got into it a bit, I was reminded of a Sierra Celebration Ale. Obviously it has its own virtues...The nose of the hops is fantastic and I would assume this is coming from Cascade. As you settle into this "in your face" IPA the beer takes on an almost tea like character. I think this is what reminds me of the Celebration. I'd like to try some more of the lost coast offerings, which I have recently seen available around town. Hoping to find a tap with my name on it. The brewery is certainly a revolution in brewing. Started in 1986 by two women, who are still the owners and brewers of this classic northern California brewery. I wonder how many women brewers there are in this country, or even the world. Seems to be a male dominated industry, but the subtle touch of a women seems to be such an obvious positive for a solid craft brew. You can check out there brewery here .
I'm planning on moving this summer, so I'm really not going to have much of a garden this year. However, it was irresistible for me when I saw some hop rhizomes at the brew shop last weekend. A rhizome is essentially the underground branches of a plants root system. Hops are cloned and grown using rhizome cuttings from mature plants. As of yesterday my hops have just started to peak out of the soil. From what I understand they will not really become established until the 2nd year of growth. What strain am I growing? Cascade of course. Can't wait to make the shoebocks bock with my own cascade hops. Mmmmmm hoppy IPA like bock beer sounds unique and tasty. Give me a year or two on that one.
On the same note, my neighbor/friend/brew partner is going to try and become completely brew self sufficient. He is going to grow barley, hops, and I have no idea what he will do about yeast. My assumption is that he will cultivate yeast between his toes. Mmmm can't wait to try the Toe Jam Stout.
I was thinking Laika and Bobby could be good yeast sources....hair of the dog ale or something.
Toe Jam grows great out here, so if you need a never ending supply, just let me know and I'll hook up your brewery
Ooh a west coast source for toe jam yeast strains. Fantastic, simply fanfuckingtastic.
Wow Edward
You make a pretty strong case to call the number you have listed. I imagine it has something to do with a check from Nigeria and the purchase of a small item that needs to be shipped. I can totally see how this all relates to beer. I won't delete you unless you become a pest. For now, you are simply entertainment.
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