Hero's of Great Things and Birthdays

This was a rockem sockem birthday, but then again, they usually are. I'm exactly 1 day and 1 year younger then my best friend, and we were able to have an awesome weekend of great beer, giant bottles of bourbon, awesome music, and hell we threw in a parade. Lets start with the beer and move from there. Some fantastic labels were made for the Fat Tire clone now known as, "Beer Dub", in honor of 30 years of amazing life. We tried the beer dub on Thursday night at the local watering hole, where the best bartender in Chicago let us order them. It was cool, and they turned out pretty good. A little more complex then a fat tire, but the carbonation is right about the same. Little tingly bubbles that make you think, "I wish it was 90 degrees out right now". Then on Friday we had a party to honor all the fish in the world and drank 2 gallons of the Beer Dub. Everyone seemed to enjoy, and some drunks even professed their love for the Beer Dub over the Fat Tire. Can't say I agree with that, but I was honored to get people drunk with my beer, and have them enjoy it. We also put down some Lakefronts, Countless Pabst, some Old Style, New Castles, and Pyramids. My neighbor/friend/brew partner brought over a bottle of his most recent maple porter, and it is fantastic. Smooth as silk a hint of sweetness and dark as night. mmmmm the man knows what he's doing. Lets see, then everyone got drunk things get a bit cloudy, but I know we drank a ton of bourbon on top of everything.
Saturday was much more laid back, went and saw Stereolab, which was a surprise birthday present, and was awesome. It was a great show, although I felt like one of the only people dancing, but I didn't care. After the show we hit the local watering hole again, where we were treated to bottomless pitchers of 2 hearted ale, and if you've read this blog, then you know I have a love affair with the 2 hearted. mmmmm again. We had to slither out, because the weekend was far from over and we needed to get up early on Sunday.
Had an awesome breakfast and then it was off to the South Side Irish Parade
Holy fucking christ I love my friends. We have this thing called the Synchronicity Outdoor Drinking Team, and let me just say this, they are all hero's of Great Things. We went with the intention of getting smashed and we did. Two of the key elements of the event were one of the only sober people throwing a beer at a vintage firetruck full of NYC police and denting it, and the great man who drove us there and back all while enduring our drunken shenanigans. What an amazing weekend.
Feel free to come by and tip a beer dub with me, I've got a couple gallons to share.
Damn that Beer Dub was freaking delicious! I want more! I want to buy some at my local liquor dispensary.
For the record though, the ODT is NOT the "Synchronicity Outdoor Drinking Team." While we mostly all met through Synchro, we are not affiliated. The name comes from something I said while looking forward to my first experience at the South Side Irish parade with Bdub and Sloan. I thought about the upcomming time and said something along the lines of "If I had an Outdoor Drinking Team they'd [slaon and bdub] be my first round draft picks." Hence the name Outdoor Drinking Team. At least... that's how I remember it. I may have been drunk at the time.
The ODT had no affiliation to Synchronicity other then the commonality of both organizations members. Is the ODT an organization? I've got more Beer Dub but they refuse to carry it at the local liquor stores. I think it's a racial issue.
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