Flipside-Adventure Bound With Beersocks

Flipside.....where to start. I guess the beginning will do(ok this will probably be a long one, so bear with me).
A trip wrought with delay going down and coming back up. So my travel companion and myself spent enough time in the airport bar to get a bit buzzed. Then I broke out my special bottle of black maple hill (fantastic bourbon by the way), to put us over the edge before actually getting on the flight. We did the old bottle under the jacket trick. Who the hell wears a black leather jacket in the summer anyway?
We arrived in Austin, late tired and hungry...but I was almost to excited to sleep.
Arrived on site with my Brother about noon. The new site was amazing. Hilly and filled with trees connected through a series of trails and roads. With a beautiful spring fed creek bordering the land. I immediately went to work. Shade structures, unpacking, and drinking beers. Had some Shiner Bock ,which reminds of another American bock, Huber Bock. A nice beer, that I assume is very cheap, and a local favorite in Texas. Certainly not a Spaten, Capital, or Einbecher, but a good beer none the less. The Shiner was enjoyed in the company of several friends, some I met only last year, some I've known for more then a few years. More work in the 100 plus temperatures, and I was loving life. Nothing beats a bit of hard labor to acclimate your body to extreme temperatures. Blah, blah, blah......Parked some cars drank some Lonestars. This brings me to lonestar. I respect lonestar as I respect a pabst. I certainly won't turn one down, but it gets a little old after the first 50 or so. I drank a lot of lonestar, and will now plan on waiting till next year to have anymore. We all know my propensity to put a few beers down, and I have to say, I'm much happier drinking something nice. That evening I hooked up with the wonderful people of Gigsville. We went to a puppet kareoke bar, and had a fucking blast. Once again gigsville blew my mind, and my only regret, is that I spent far too little time with them this year. My butt got goosed, I made out with a few beautiful ladies, and I helped fix a broken bar. Doesn't anyone carry tools with them anymore. My best friend gave me a sweet multi-tool a year ago, and that thing has come in handy countless times.
I think this entry is turning into a stream of consciousness type thing....
Barge Building=Fucking awesome time with my brother and several very motivated kick ass people. We built an 8x16 Floating Bar (BARge) it broke several times, and we fixed it just as many times. There is nothing like a floating bar to get peoples spirits up...pardon the pun. Ohhhh the water, nice cool water.
Which brings us to the best beer I had at Flipside (this is a beerblog after all). I heard beyond the obvious swimming hole, there was a much nicer place to swim, with deeper, and cooler water. What do you know, but the shoebocks finds his way there, and but of course it is pleasantly poplulated with awesome villain type folks. Had a great conversation about the world with someone I've known for a few years, but really didn't know much about until we spent some time swimming, dunking our heads, and discussing the culture of the world. What do you know, she offered me a beer, and not just any beer, a Real Ale Brewery Full Moon Pale Rye. Local brewery with some excellent beers. The Pale Rye is a refreshing with a little rye bite. Very full bodied beer, that soothes the throat as it goes down, and boy does it like to go down quick. I probably finished the beer in about 3 minutes, all with a big grin on my face. The contrast between this and the gallons of lone star I had drank at this point, was striking. Am I starting to get to the point that cheap beer just doesn't do it for me anymore? Tough to say, but this experience was certainly eye opening.
Have you ever slept on top of a bus? It was my favorite place to sleep at burningman and although it wasn't extremely comfortable (improper bedding materials) I had a wonderful night sleeping on my brothers bus this night, made all the more sweet sharing the experience with a wonderful longtime friend. Ok I'm skipping a bunch of things, but hey, you follow the general pace of things. Would shoebocks set up his tent? What else would break, and what's this about the most beautiful lady in all of Flipside?
The following day, was full of adventure....We built a giant shade structure on top of the bus ,which served us well for a few days. Until a circling wind gust ripped it into a hunk of scary dangerous tarp and pvc ready to kill all those who opposed it. A very tall friend and myself were able to tame the beast, and all was well. Felt like we were on a sail boat in the middle of a storm with the mast cracked and rigging flying everywhere. Now that is a fun time. Feeling good, I started to Sheppard people around in our solar golf cart. Things were going well, making people happy as they avoid long walks, and get to experience some nice conversations. Going down a hill (luckily by myself) I tap the brakes. Clunk!!!!!! tap tap tap, ohhhh shit no brakes!!!!!What do you do in this straight out of a movie situation. I jerked the cart of the road into a gully and right up into someone's camp. Happy with my witty move, I jump out and begin to assess the damage. People in the camp assume I'm fucked up, and begin rumbling a bit. No, no, I say-the brakes went out. I eventually temporarily fix them with a coat hanger and limp the cart home.
Still no tent....
Impending rain storm with a beautiful display of lightning. Perfect time to flipsidedown and get some much earned sleep. Probably woke up around 1am, rested and ready for adventure. Insert Bourbon, Ganga, Ween, E for breakfast and its time to talk about the most beautiful lady at flipside. My niece is the biggest sweetheart, with a lust for life that just makes you feel great. We spent the morning challenging the Gigsville golf pro to a match of miniature golf, we lost by one stroke, but we all know the match could have gone either way. Amazing morning, simply amazing. Insert more work and more lonestar, a big burn, some brisket, more making out, hugs, some great times, dragging a broken art car onto a trailer, dragging a bar behind an atv up a rather large hill, and more lonestar. Rinse repeat, and the next thing you know your in the fucking airport. Did I even mention the wonderful camp I was in. Ish is an amazing coming together of people who play extremely well together. Ahhhh to be feeling ishish is something all should experience. I look forward to finding these people on the playa and soaking up some more of their great energy.
Upon arrival in Chicago, I was immediately ready for some good beers. Went to the local watering hole and had some Oberons and an interesting Peach Wheat beer from Missouri. O'fallon is the brewery, and the beer was peachy but not to sweet, and really just nice and refreshing.
All this and a Sprecher Mai Bock to boot.
I say this in conclusion.....Thankyou Flipside, you kick so much ass, you make me feel like a the air just before the sun pops over the horizon.
That sounds like an amazing good time. Texas camp was 3 camps down from me last Burning Man, and they had kegs of Lonestar, but ran out quickly, so they ended up serving PBR. It's always been a good beer for me. No hangover, and it tastes the same in at just about any temperature. But then again, I can't turn down a Jolly Roger Christmas Ale from Maritime Brewery. It's their seasonal dark beer that just says oh, you thought you had one beer, well I pack the punch of 3. Good stuff. Hopefully, i'll make it to the playa and will be able to see you and kick back a few brews.
Synchro? then playa. It looks like synchro will be a goose island event. The playa is going to be interesting. Don't think I will be brining a cooler, but my love of cold beer is ever present. Need to solve this conflict, but regardless we will kick back more then a few.
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