The Beersocks Beer Blog

This Blog is dedicated to my many thoughts and feelings about beer. I will describe different beers and my experiences with them

Friday, March 31, 2006

Three beers and the first stooping of the season

Ok....on a whim the other day I bought a 12 pack of labatts blue. I haven't had a labatts in a long time, and it hasn't changed. This is a respectable mass market beer from are pals up North. Labatts actually brews a lot of beers for U.S. consumption (stella and becks to name a few) as they are part of a large beer conglomerate Interbrew. Growing up in upstate new york, this was one of my beers of choice through highschool. Much better then a miller, bud, or coors and usually a little less in terms of price. I would say its good in the same light as I say schlitz is good or pabst is good. It was a beautiful day in Chicago yesterday and I got hang out on my stoop and have a few. Environment is really important when consuming ice cold beer. Sitting on a stoop in a t-shirt listening to tunes and watching dog wrestling is an ideal environment, an thus the labatts was acting particularly tasty.
Next on the update on the leftover oatmeal ipa. We cracked the first bottles on Tuesday after 14 days of bottle fermentation. As young as they are, they are fucking great. This is the best beer I have produced by far, and will continue to get better. The oatmeal really gives it a lot of body, the hops are subtle but awesome. There not in your face, but you know their at the party for sure. mmmmmm I recommend coming by to tip a few. Thinking of brewing this weekend, and starting to lay plans to make a bock. Speaking of bock...
I did some research last night at the local watering hole. I tried the pictured beer, Einbecher Mai Ur-Bock. Oh my, where to start. I love Mai Bock, the woman I marry will taste like mai bock, my spawn will look and smell like mai bock, I want to retire on deserted island with a spring fed source of mai bock. This stuff is all that and then some. Smooth as it can get, malty sweetness that is pleasant but not over powering in the least. They go down far to quick and next thing you know your stumbling home. These guys were the originators of bock beer and it shows in this wonderful testament to german brewing. Check out there history for more information. Its an excellent site with an awesome glossary of beer terms.
Einbecker site

Finally, I have been watching this over and over all week and think you should to. Get sblounkched
I love strong bad, but this is just too much. "I'm talking to you baby ruth"

Friday, March 17, 2006

Bottling and Ephemere

Did my usual Thursday thing at the local watering hole. Mostly enjoyed the 2 hearted, but also had a taste of Unibroue's Ephemere. It's an apple infused ale, most likely of the abbey variety. Dare I say it might be an excellent dessert beer, well, the brewer does. Reminds me of Appfel, which is a german apple schnapps...mmmmm.
Unibroue is an awesome micro brewery from Quebec that produces some amazing beers. My first introduction was a beer called, "La Fin Du Monde", which for all you non french speakers, means the end of the world. They tend to produce Belgian inspired beers, but have put their own touches on them. The price point on these tend to be pretty good, a little less then a delirium and a little more then an Allagash. I give them a big thumbs up, and I would love to check out the brewery sometime.
Check them out
On a side note, well not really a side note since it relates to beer, but I digress...Bottled the oatmeal IPA on Tuesday. This is going to be a fucking great beer. Its got a bit of body from the oatmeal, but possess all the ingredients of a true IPA. Tons of hops, light malt, and complex grains. We got 24, 22 ounce bottles and 12, 12 ounce bottles. Going to let them ferment in bottles until it gets nice in Chicago. Who knows when that will happen?

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Hero's of Great Things and Birthdays

This was a rockem sockem birthday, but then again, they usually are. I'm exactly 1 day and 1 year younger then my best friend, and we were able to have an awesome weekend of great beer, giant bottles of bourbon, awesome music, and hell we threw in a parade. Lets start with the beer and move from there. Some fantastic labels were made for the Fat Tire clone now known as, "Beer Dub", in honor of 30 years of amazing life. We tried the beer dub on Thursday night at the local watering hole, where the best bartender in Chicago let us order them. It was cool, and they turned out pretty good. A little more complex then a fat tire, but the carbonation is right about the same. Little tingly bubbles that make you think, "I wish it was 90 degrees out right now". Then on Friday we had a party to honor all the fish in the world and drank 2 gallons of the Beer Dub. Everyone seemed to enjoy, and some drunks even professed their love for the Beer Dub over the Fat Tire. Can't say I agree with that, but I was honored to get people drunk with my beer, and have them enjoy it. We also put down some Lakefronts, Countless Pabst, some Old Style, New Castles, and Pyramids. My neighbor/friend/brew partner brought over a bottle of his most recent maple porter, and it is fantastic. Smooth as silk a hint of sweetness and dark as night. mmmmm the man knows what he's doing. Lets see, then everyone got drunk things get a bit cloudy, but I know we drank a ton of bourbon on top of everything.
Saturday was much more laid back, went and saw Stereolab, which was a surprise birthday present, and was awesome. It was a great show, although I felt like one of the only people dancing, but I didn't care. After the show we hit the local watering hole again, where we were treated to bottomless pitchers of 2 hearted ale, and if you've read this blog, then you know I have a love affair with the 2 hearted. mmmmm again. We had to slither out, because the weekend was far from over and we needed to get up early on Sunday.
Had an awesome breakfast and then it was off to the South Side Irish Parade
Holy fucking christ I love my friends. We have this thing called the Synchronicity Outdoor Drinking Team, and let me just say this, they are all hero's of Great Things. We went with the intention of getting smashed and we did. Two of the key elements of the event were one of the only sober people throwing a beer at a vintage firetruck full of NYC police and denting it, and the great man who drove us there and back all while enduring our drunken shenanigans. What an amazing weekend.
Feel free to come by and tip a beer dub with me, I've got a couple gallons to share.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Brewed up the latest batch last night

I've got the fat tire clone in bottles and the first 2 gallons will be ready for the Pisces party next weekend. Decided to brew an IPA with all of the leftover grains from previous brews. I'm calling it the "Left Over Oatmeal IPA", and it looks to be a good beer. We put five different grains and a pound of oatmeal in it. Then we hopped the hell out of it. Rather large batch, somewhere around 8-9 gallons. Can't wait to have a party and try to drink a couple gallons of beer.

Crazy Freak

Just want to give a shot out to AL-X for having the balls to drink a 40 of O.E. on Saturday, and then follow it up with a king sized chorrizo burrito. You are an America Patriot!!!!
Click here for a little background