The Beersocks Beer Blog

This Blog is dedicated to my many thoughts and feelings about beer. I will describe different beers and my experiences with them

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


I stopped by my favorite watering hole last night, and instead of drinking the 2 hearted, which gets me into a dark drunk whole before I know what's happening, I decided to have a bitburger. It's a crisp german style larger, with an almost sweet aroma and after taste to it. Best served using the slow pour method, and a very refreshing/ fairly light drink. Here's what they have to say about it..."Only the best of everything - this is the Bitburger brewery's clear company philosophy. We aim for comprehensive quality in all areas of corporate activity. In order to live up to this expectation, we combine tradition with modern technology and bring this in harmony with people and nature. Careful handling of natural resources is as much a focus for us as is the satisfaction of our customers. The expertise and commitment of our employees mean that we are prepared for the demands of tomorrow - focussing on the future has always been a tradition at Bitburger."

Monday, November 21, 2005

Beersocks Beer

Thats right folks, I started my first batch of home brew last night. I can't wait to do a taste report on it, but first it must ferment. Its a bit like an ESB mixed with a brown ale. Should be dark and malty, and will probably pack a bit of a punch.

Friday, November 18, 2005

If your ever in Toronto

check out this site

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Article on health benefits of Hops

Researchers: Hops in Beer May Be Healthy

By Associated Press
Published November 15, 2005, 6:10 AM CST

CORVALLIS, Ore. -- Hops used to brew beer may have some health benefits but researchers warn against expecting any significant effect by drinking a few cold ones.

Scientists at Oregon State University's Linus Pauling Institute have found a class of compounds called flavonids neutralize "free radicals" -- rogue oxygen molecules that can damage cells.

One of those flavonids, a compound called xanthohumol, is found only in hops. It may help prevent some forms of cancer, researchers say.

Some beers already have higher levels of flavonids than others. The lager and pilsner beers commonly sold in domestic U.S. brews have fairly low levels of these compounds, but some porter, stout and ale brews have much higher levels.

Still, the level of the compound in beer is generally considered too low to have any significant preventive effect.

"We can't say that drinking beer will help prevent cancer," said Fred Stevens, OSU assistant professor of pharmacy and scientist in the Linus Pauling Institute.

Hops, from a flowering plant, are used by brewers as a bittering agent in beer. Xanthohumol is a yellow substance that was first discovered in hops in 1913.

But its health effects were not known until the 1990s, when Stevens and colleagues started studying the flavonoid compound. In cell cultures and animal studies, xanthohumol targeted various types of cancer, including breast, colon and ovarian.

His original work, along with new developments in the anti-cancer properties of xanthohumol made during the past decade, was reviewed last year in the journal Phytochemistry.

Now Stevens is collaborating with fellow Linus Pauling Institute scientist Emily Ho to investigate the effects of the flavonoid on prostate cancer cells.

"When we give the flavonoid to cancer cells, it seems to slow their growth, which is what you want to do for cancer," said Ho, who is also an assistant professor in OSUs department of nutrition and exercise sciences.

Although the tiny amounts of xanthohumol found in beer have little preventive value, Stevens thinks it may be possible in the future for drug companies to develop pills containing concentrated doses of the flavonoid.

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Information from: Gazette-Times,

Monday, November 14, 2005

Anderson Valley and a very drunk Shoebocks

Let me just start out by saying how much fun I had this weekend. Its been a while since I got totally ripped and howled at the moon. A bunch of groups came together for a burningman decompression out in Michigan. I had been on this particular piece of land in August, and it just has an amazing energy to it. It was a great event for me personally, because all I had to do was show up and fuck off. I found the perfect camping spot, which was a secluded in the trees on the outer edge of the property. It was great group of people, and I hope everyone can do this more often. By the way I got so drunk I lost my glass bowl and dog leash, if you happen upon it, let me know. Now on to the beer.

I drank a 6 pack of Bells 20th Anniversary, but I've already mentioned it in a previous entry, so I'll just say it packs punch, and begs to be put in your belly.

I also brought a 22 0z. bottle of Three Floyds Gumball Head. Holy crap this is fantastic. I broke into it well into my crazed drinking fiesta. I brought a couple good friends back to my camp, which was fun, because I'm pretty sure they thought I was lost. To get to my camp you had to take a series of trails, and then cut through some trees, and being a bit buzzed and having my usual jackass attitude, I'm sure I gave a good impression of being lost or at least insane. None he less, I took them right to camp and we shot the shit and drank a fine beer. Gumball head has some of the best tasting hops, it is almost sweet with hops. Technically it is a summer wheat beer, but has a whole lot more character then that. I've never had a summer or wheat beer with this kind of hoppiness and punch. I'd love to try some of this on tap, only ever seen it in big bottles in Chicago. I give it a 10, and think it pushed me from buzzed to drunk. Woohooooo, now back to our adventure.

The other 6 pack I brought was Anderson Valley's Oatmeal Stout. The first time I had this beer was at a gigsville New Years campout. A great man by the name of Sad Man, worked at the brewery and brought a keg. It lasted about an hour, and went down like pure bliss. In bottles this beer is still amazing. It is very rich in flavor, definite chocolate over tones, and an unusual ho character for a stout. These of course pack a serious wallop. I asked Sadman to tell me a bit about the brewery and this is what he said, "It's not just shy sluggin gorms neemer!" (Boontling for "it's not just for breakfast anymore!). Boonting is the local dialect for the Anderson Valley, which is in Mendocino county, California. In American beer, Capital and Anderson Valley generally share in terms of respect and recognition. This is what they have to say about it at the brewery, "With its deep, dark brown-black color, thick, full-bodied, velvety-smooth mouth feel, mocha character, and, strong yet subtle hop bite, Barney Flats Oatmeal Stout is one of the thickest, richest, and most complex stouts on the market today. In 1990, it became our first gold medal winner, at the Great American Beer Festival. Barney Flats was judged so superior to the other stouts that no other medals were even awarded in its category. Try it and see why Stewart Kallen described it as, "Slippery, creamy, dark, and sweet as a Pacific May morning," in his book, The 50 Greatest Beers in the World"
I recommend any of their beers. !!!!!

Now if you were wondering how I got so drunk, I implore you to sit down and drink that 12 pack and let me know what happens. I was also ramping it up a bit, because its a burningman event, and it should be a bit extreme. Sorry if I offended you, your welcome if I entertained you. Let me know if you've seen my bowl or leash.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Sierra Nevada Harvest Ale

Been catching a few of these at Quenchers lately, and have to say its a real treat. The harvest ale is produced by harvesting and using the hops in the same day. You can certainly tell this is the case, because this beer hits you with hops right from the start. After a half a beer or so, the flavor mellows to an almost tea like flavor. Mellow is probably not the exact term here, its settles down maybe? It has a deep amber hue to it, and fresh hoppy aroma. Sierra only distributes this beer in kegs, which I imagine encourages the fresh flavor of the beer. Fantastic!!!!
The harvest is an interesting time in nature. You are reaping the fruits of your labor, as the natural world around dies off for winter. Its certainly been a falling off harvest for me this year, and I appreciate drinking a beer with such a fresh yet complex flavor . A strong symbol for the direction my life has taken. As though I have harvested what I've been given, but now a dark lonely winter is looming. Probably the first time in my life I have felt this way. That my harvest is far less then expected. Its an amazing experience to go through tough transition, and one that can provide a huge level of incite about one self, and ones peers. I've really learned what it means to have friends, and what it means to have acquaintances. The latter being an easy growth, but poor harvest, the prior a long and labor intensive growth, but a lasting abundant harvest. Cheers to a happy and complex harvest, and cheers to Sierra for making such an appropriate beer.